Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 19th July 2021 Written Episode Update: Mirza And Mishra Get Hurt

Aur Bhai kya Chal Raha Hai Disney+Hotstar TV Serial watch online. Aur Bhai kya Chal Raha Hai superhit drama download all episodes. Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 19th July 2021 Written Episode Update: Mirza And Mishra Get Hurt

Scene 1
The Episode starts with Sakina and Mirza romancing while a song plays in background. Mirza signs her to come after him. They go out and dance. Just then some cement pebbles fall down on him from the roof. Sakina says the roof shall be repaired. Mirza says Mishra shall get it repaired. Mishra comes there and scolds Mirza for talking bad about him. Mirza says I didn’t, I was requesting you since a week to get the crack of the roof repaired. Mishra asks him to get it repaired. Mirza says now I have no hopes from you. Mishra gets angry and calls Shanti. Shanti comes there, signs to change her bindi and scares Mirza. Mirza says you can’t scare us like this. He asks Sakina to talk to Shanti about repairing the roof. Shanti says you shall get it repaired. Sakina asks her to see with her wide eyes that the cracks are much in her side. Shanti asks her to see with her wide eyes that the cracks are more on their side. Just then some part of roof falls down on both Mishra and Mirza. Shanti and Sakina get shocked seeing their respective husbands fainted. Sakina blames Shanti while the latter tells that if something happens to Mishra then she will get bulldozer rammed on the haveli. Dr. Khode comes there. Sakina and Shanti try to drag him to their house for Mirza and Mishra. Dr. Khode’s hand breaks as Sakina pulls his hand. Sakina says you seem to be very weak. Dr. Khode asks him to call doctor to treat him. Sakina asks him to see Mirza and give medicine. Dr. Khode refuses to treat them and tell that he will get himself treated first. They pull his belt. Dr. Khode lal agree and asks them to lift his stuff. They lift his stuff and give to him. Dr. Khode distracts them and runs away from there. Shanti blames Sakina for Dr. Khode’s escaped. Sakina says he ran because of you. Shanti blames Sakina.

Brij asks Noorjahan why Dr. Khode haven’t come. Sakina says he had come, but left. Shanti says he ran away. Brij scolds Shanti and says you might have made him run, you don’t worry for your husband. Mishra asks when doctor will come, my head is paining badly. Shanti asks him to have patience. Mirza asks Shanti to call Dr. Khode. Sakina says I will not call him, he was arguing with me. Shanti comes to know that no doctor is available. Mishra sits holding his hand. Shanti tells Mishra that it seems she has to treat him and asks shall I apply haldi on your head. Mirza is also shocked and asks Sakina to do something else. Sakina asks shall I read fateha for you. Mirza asks her to take him to hospital. Brij asks Mishra to trust God and says he will send any doctor here. His children come there and tell that Doctor came. Mishra thanks God. Guddu says they were ready with back up. Inaam and Zoya tell that they don’t trust Dr. Khode and that’s why that’s why they brought doctor from hospital. Doctor checks Mishra and asks him to call him only. Mishra asks him to treat him. Other doctor also treats Mirza and bandages his head. He asks him to think that he is not hurt. Sakina says why so many bandages are tied. Doctor says he has 5 bandages so tied them. He says your kids called me and told that it is an emergency. He says you can open it, when I leave. Shanti tells Mishra that he should have moved when the roof fell down. Sakina also hugs and cares for mirza. Doctor asks for money. Both Sakina and Shanti give money to the doctors.

Paro comes to Shanti’s house holding a bone. Shanti says our house is vegetarian and throws it. It gets stuck in Brij’s mouth. Brij spits it. Paro tells that it is fake bone and tells that her husband became dog. Sakina is shocked. Paro says since mad dog bit him, he became dog and barking. She says it is a long story. Shanti asks her to tell. Paro tells that her husband was standing with his friend, when a mad dog came there. before they could shoo them, dog bit them. She says dog is dead now, but her husband and his friend act as dogs now. She says if such mad dog come infront of Mirza and Mishra. Shanti asks her to go and do the work. They promote the show Dr. B R Ambedkar. Shanti says we will watch it altogether. Guddu insists to go out and play. Shanti asks him to study first.

Shanti and Sakina come out and see the kids playing. They pretend to study. Shanti and Sakina ask them to play together. Sakina tells Shanti that she wants to tell her something, but is having short of words. She says she is very ashamed and asks if she understood. Shanti says yes and apologized to her. Sakina also apologize to her. They tell that the crack is on their side. They argue again. The kids ask them not to argue. Sakina tells that if haveli falls down then? Shanti says Mirza and Mishra shall befriend each other. Sakina asks how? Shanti says we have controls in our hands, they have to befriend each other.

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