Ishk Par Zor Nahin 19th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Ahaan Confronts Dadi

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The Episode starts with Dadi coming to the hospital. She sees Ishqi. She lies to the nurse and sends her out. She goes to remove the oxygen mask. Ahaan comes and says Dadi…. Dadi gets worried. He says you here…. why. She says I came to see Ishqi, I was worried for her, I had called the doctor to ask about her, he didn’t say anything so I had to come, what did doctor say, will she get fine. Ahaan says yes, she will be fine, you are really good, thanks Dadi, you worry for Ishqi and everyone, even those who you don’t love. Dadi says she is part of our family, I m feeling unwell, drop me home. He says sorry, I can’t come, Ishqi isn’t fine, I will ask driver to drop you. She says fine, take care of yourself and Ishqi. She goes.

Ahaan recalls Kartik’s call. Kartik says Sarla had called me home for Sonu, she didn’t call anyone else, something is wrong, come soon. FB ends. Ishqi gets conscious. Ahaan asks are you fine. He says I m really sorry, I didn’t listen to you, and all this happened, when you knew about Dadi, why didn’t you tell me. She says you would have asked for proof, you would have not believed me. He says I will fix everything, I really love you.

Its morning, Dadi drinks tea. She thinks did Ishqi get conscious. Sarla, Sonu and Raj come home. Sarla says I kept a puja for Sonu and the baby. She asks pandit to start the puja. Dadi asks Kartik did Ahaan call. Ahaan brings Ishqi home. Everyone welcomes Ishqi. Sarla says you are welcoming her as if she is still the bahu of this house. Ahaan says we had signed on the divorce papers, but didn’t get separated. He burns the papers and asks is everything fine now.

Chachi does the aarti and asks them to come. Savitri comes. Dadi asks what is she doing here. Ahaan says Ishqi asked me to invite Savitri in Sonu’s puja, my mum didn’t try to kill Ishqi, it was someone else. Savitri hugs Sonu. Ishqi goes with them. Dadi looks at Ahaan. Sarla asks Ahaan about Ishqi. Ahaan says I m doing what Dadi taught me, hatred is not imp than love, Ishqi didn’t tell me who tried to kill her. Dadi thinks why didn’t Ishqi tell him. She goes to Ahaan. Dadi asks Ahaan to choose between him and Savitri. She says after puja ends, send Savitri away, else I will go away. Ahaan says I heard it, lets focus on the puja. He goes.

Raj and Sonu sit in the puja. Savitri says pandit ji is saying right, there is no bigger joy for a woman than motherhood, children are weakness of mother, but a mother is never weak, she can do anything for her children, I couldn’t fight for my children, I accepted defeat before the fight, don’t become like me, don’t do my mistake, when a mother loses, then her family breaks down, I have given a bad childhood to you and Ahaan, don’t give such a childhood to your children, don’t let anyone come between you and your children.

Ahaan says Dadi said she will leave this house if Savitri stays here, I can’t stay without my mum, I decided to stay in mum’s house, you asked me to choose one of you and mum, I choose my mum, we all will leave this house tomorrow, we need our mum. Dadi gets shocked. Dadi scolds Savitri. She says you can’t take anyone of them. Ahaan asks why, we can go with her. Dadi says she wants to break our family, you don’t know her truth. She asks Savitri to leave. Savitri says I will take my children to my house, Suraj and I had got married and have our house in London, I will take them to London. Dadi says don’t trust her, Ahaan.

Ahaan asks what’s wrong if she married Suraj, she has a reason to move on. Dadi says she is lying, she doesn’t have any house, she didn’t marry Suraj, I lied to you, she was in mental asylum since 20 years, where Ishqi was there. She asks Savitri to tell them. Savitri says you told everything, what shall I say. Dadi worries. Everyone looks at her. Savitri says you told the truth in front of my children. Ahaan says thanks, you accepted everything, I didn’t know how to tell you your big mistake, you cheated your family. Dadi says I did this to save family’s respect, Savitri wanted to divorce Veer. Ahaan asks why, tell everyone, my dad was an alcoholic, he used to beat my mum and also Sonu and me, she decided that she doesn’t want to stay with him, what’s wrong in this. Savitri asks how did you know. He says I read everything in the diary, now I know why you did all this, I misunderstood you, I used to hate you, I m really sorry. He hugs Savitri.

Chacha says its my mistake also, I didn’t support you, forgive me. Sonu says Dadi you kept us away from our mum, how could you. Ahaan says its good Ishqi told me the truth about my mum, she united us. Sonu hugs Ishqi and thanks her. Ahaan says sorry mum, you had to go to jail because of me. Suraj says she got the bail already, thanks for getting her bailed, Ahaan. Dadi scolds Ishqi. She holds Ishqi’s neck. Ahaan stops Dadi. He says never raise a hand on Ishqi, she is my wife, I didn’t get you arrested, you did wrong with her by putting her in mental asylum, I chose truth between truth and lie, I chose right between right and wrong. He leaves with everyone. Dadi is left alone in the house.

Ishqi says you don’t like to leave the house, right. Ahaan says we have to do this. Ishqi says we should celebrate this day. Dadi comes and sees the family.

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