Barrister Babu New Era Episode - 20 Written Update & Watch Online On Colors TV

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Barrister Babu New Episode - 20 Written Updates

“Tell the truth, Pucci and Kalu. Did you catch a cold ??? Or is it something else ???? "

Soudamini and Batuk were tense.

Batuk: "Uhhh oh takkuma ...."

Takuma interrupts Batok, saying, "Wait, wait, wait, wait." Tell me first, how do you know me? "

Soudamini stammered, "Here we are." Takuma shortened her by saying, “Did I ask you ?? I ask Cal, let him answer. Soudamini bowed her head.

Kalu: "Hey Takuma, who is the only person in Bengal who does not know you?

Thakuma interrupted, "Okay, I ... I understand. No need to build a bridge of false praise in front of me. Now tell me, what happened to your voice ??? ”

Pucci: "Takuma, our voice has been like this since we were born. When we were born, the doctor said there was something wrong with our throat. Our family members always make fun of us, but what do we do?"

Takuma asks skeptically, "Do you both have a problem with your throat ??"
Barrister Babu New Era Episode - 20 Written Update & Watch Online On Colors TV

Foot: "Yes, yes, Takuma. We both have this problem. Our father also had this problem. Then our grandfather, his father, his father, his grandfather, his grandfather, his father, his grandfather, his father, and …… ”

Takuma: “Enough, enough, enough. I understand that your whole family (family) is affected by this disease.

Trilochan says to Kalu and Puchi, “Array Array; Please stop .... I told you both to go, don't you understand or what?

Soudamini uttered a false cry, “Oh Zamindar Babu, please keep us employed; We will do everything. We can take care of your grandchildren too. We are really poor. Please keep us ... "

Bondita: "Kakasasurji, please keep them employed. They look really poor, they need this job very badly. I beg you, please give them a chance.

Trilochan: “Okay Bahu, I keep them only at your request. But they make no mistake; Or I would not even think twice before expelling them.

Foot: “No, Zamindar Babu. We will not make a mistake. Not even in our dreams. Thank you so much for giving us this job. ”

Pucci: "We will always be grateful to you for this work and we will continue to serve Roy Chaudhary for the rest of our lives.

Trilochan: “We can join in two days. You can go now. ”

Before saying anything else, Trilochan said, "No more questions." Having said this, Trilochan goes for some of the zamindari's work.

Batu and Soudamini smile at each other, thinking that after 2 days, Bondita's life will be hell. They leave Roy Chaudhary Haveli.

But Roy Chaudhary No one in the haveli pays attention to Mishti and Suzy, they look at everything through the door of the haveli. Mishti remembers Soudamini and Batu chasing after them in disguise.

Mishti said to Suchi, "Ohhhh .... Now, these people are ready to be Roy Chaudhary's servants .I do not know how Soudamini Didi agreed to this job .She always wanted to lead the life of a princess and then how can she agree to lead the life of a poor girl ??? Hmmm .. ... Kuch To Jarur Gadbad Hey. Abhi In Dono Ka Bhanda Fodi Hoon Hoon. I have not seen Bondita's face.) Suzy says, "Go Mishti Didi, go. All the best LLB Mishti Chakraborty Didi.

After everyone in Roy Chowdhury Haveli, except Bondita, goes for some work, Mishti finds Minitook the right opportunity to tell Bondita the truth. Mishti slowly ran to Roy Chaudhary Haveli. (Bondita's back is still facing Mishti.) As Mishti approaches Bondita, Bondita turns back and they both hit each other. Bondita and Mishti looked at the floor and fell. The two of them yelled at each other, "Ahhhhhhhh .... Can't you see? Did you drop me ??" Mishti and Bondita are scared because they think their voice is repeating itself.

Actually, their voice is similar, but they think their voice echoes or someone speaks in their voice !!! Bondita and Mishti look at each other. Their eyes widened as if they could come out of the eyelids at any moment.

A tremor flows through their spines. They freeze for a moment. Seeing their clone in front of their eyes, rice falls all over their body !! They tremble with fear and gnash their teeth. A lotGathered courage and swallowed; Mishti and Bondita shout together, "Aahhhhhhh .... Bhhh… Bhhhhh …… Bhoooootttttttttttttt .. !!!!!" Then, Bondita Roy Chaudhary runs to the haveli. Mishti Roy Chaudhary runs out of the haveli. "Pathi Babu, Pathi Babu, tha ... thatt ......" Bondita stammered.

Anirudh: "Yes, yes, Bondita. Please tell me."

Bondita: "Pathi Babu, there is a ghost in our haveli."

Anirudh: "What ?? Bondita, how are you? You know ghosts do not exist. Then why is Bondita talking like this ???"

Check the temperature on Anirudh Bondita's forehead to see if she is feeling well. But her temperature is normal. Bondita murmurs, "Why doesn't Pati Babu understand? I mean, there really is a diner in our haveli. you know what? She was just like me !!!! And, her voice was just like mine !!! Don't know why she came here? I do not want anyone to hurt my family. Pathi Babu, please come with me. She's really there. When Bondita says this, Anirudh has no choice but to obey her orders. Anirudh then asks, "Where is Dayan Bondita?" Bondita pointed her finger in the direction she saw Mishti. Anirudh goes to that place with Bondita. Bondita hid behind Anirudh like a small child. Anirudh searches everywhere, but there is no one there except Anirudh and Bondita; Because Mishti had already run away.

Anirudh: "Look, Bondita, there's no one here. Dayan Bondita, no.

Bondita: "But she's the only husband here."

Anirudh: "Bondita, I think you are very tired. I need some rest. Come with me."

Bondita reluctantly goes with Anirudh. She is still trembling at the thought.

Mishti, on the other hand, collides with someone. She looked up too, screaming, that it was Suzy. Mishti hugs Suzy and says, “Please save me Suzy. This Roy Chaudhary Haveli has a bake. you know what? She is like me !!! Also, she talks like me !!!! I do not know what she wants ... I'm really scared Suzy. "

Suzy said nervously, "Mishti Didi, we feel like going home now. What if that guy came here to kill us? I have heard that chudails can take any shape. Then I'm scared .... "

Mishti: "No, no, no, let's run, Suchi. Come on, let's run."

Suzy nodded yes.

Suzy and Mishti run for their lives.

In the meantime the whole is sitting in a chair. She sings the Bengali song "Ekla Cholo Re". Binoy sees her, but completely ignores Binoy. Absolutely says to himself, “Music has always been my hobby, and learning music has always been my dream; But let it happen, I know my dream will not come true. With that she began to sing again.

As soon as Sampoorna finishes her song, Binoy comes and hugs her from behind. Completely shocked. She said, "Are you here ??"

Binoy: "Yes I'm here. Why? Do you have any problems ??? Then why do you have to walk alone (alone) when I am with you? I will always be there to stand with you and support you in all things ..."

Complete: "I did not mean that. Ummm ....."

Binoy: “Btw complete! Today, I'm here to give you some good news !! "

Complete: “Reaaaaallllllyyyyyyyyy ???? What is this ??? "

Binoy: "I have some work to do in Darjeeling. So, I'll have to go there for a few days. Hmmm ... I was planning to take you with me. What do you say?"

Complete: "Oh my gosh .... how can I get there ?? I have a lot of responsibilities here. Saswati, Anirban, Anindita, Jetji, Anirudh, Bondita, Somnath, those orphans; how can I leave them all and go?"

Binoy: Yes, I know the whole thing. But you can not do anything for me just once. Complete please. Please come with me. It's only a matter of days. There are plenty of people in our haveli to carry out your responsibilities. You do not have to worry about that. ”

Complete: "Butt ....."

Anirudh and Bondita get there before the finishing touches.

Anirudh: "Yes absolute mother, Baba is right. We have to go to Darjeeling for a refreshment. You have been caring for us for years and you have to spend some time with yourself."

BoNdita: “Absolutely, do not worry about us. I'm there, I will take care of everyone; shotttttttiiiiiiii. I will not allow my mother's emptiness to last forever. I will take care of other children like Som Dada, Saswati, Amma and Baudi. Don’t worry about Kakasasurji at all, his Bondita Bahu can take good care of him.

Anirudh: "Please go, perfect mother, Baba will be fine."

Complete: "Okay, I'm going. But when do we have to go?"

Binoy: "Tomorrow."

Complete: “Wow ???? Sooooooo earlier ??? "

Binoy: "Yes, it's very urgent."

Complete: "Okay, I'm going to pack our bags."

Anirudh and Bondita laughed. Benoit's happiness knows no bounds. Binoy is extremely tired!

Suddenly, some men from the panchayat entered the Roy Chaudhary Haveli. They greet Trilochan by saying "Namaste Zamindar Babu".

Trilochan: “Array; Come on come on; Please sit down. "

As everyone sat down, Trilochan said, "Tell me, what brought Punch here?"

Mukhiya G: “Trilochan Babu will be the next heir to the family of your grandson Anirban Roy Chaudhary; So, as a token of our love and respect for you, we brought you some gifts for him. Can you bring him here? "

Trilochan: "Of course, of course Mukhiya G. It will be our pleasure."

Then, Trilochan asks Bondita to bring Anirban. Bondita brings her son, but she is a little confused as to why her kakasasurji did not ask her to bring Anindita.

Trilochan shows Anirban to the people of Panch. All men bathe Anirban with petals. They decorate Anirban with a lot of garlands. The little baby is irritated by those flowers and garlands, but Trilochan smiles proudly and Trilochan can't understand Anirban's pain. He is busy congratulating his grandson or repairing his heir. Anirudh looks at all this from a corner. Anirudh became angry and sad. But he says nothing in front of Bondita; Because he knows that hearing all this will break his whole bond.

After that, the Panchangas adorn Anirban with gold rings and silver necklaces. Anirban's name is engraved on all those ornaments.

Mukhiya G: "These are some small gifts given by the villagers of Tulsipur to Trilochan Babu, the heir of Roy Chaudhary."

Trilochan thanked the calendars.

at this time; After wearing all the heavy gold and silver jewelry, Anirban started crying very angrily. Bondita runs to Anirban and takes the delicate baby in her arms. Anirudh came there and took off the necklaces and rings that Anirban was wearing. Bondita gently beats Anirban and she pushes him away from all trouble.

In the room of Anirudh and Bondita: -

Anirban stopped crying. Bondita makes him sleep and Anirudh plays with the beautiful Anindita. Suddenly Kalyani entered the room. Kalyani ties a sacred red thread around Anirban's wrist. Bondita asks, "What is Kalyani Didi ??"

Kalyani: "This is the holy thread Bondita ji of Mother Durga. Trilochan Malik told me to tie it around the heir's wrist to save him from evil eyes.

Bondita: "That's good, Didi, but you should have tied such a thread around my abusive wrist." She is also the heir of Roy Chaudhary, isn't she?

Kalyani: "Ohh Bondita Didi ... you don't understand anything. Boys are the only heirs to their family, not girls. Btw, Trilochan Malik is calling me, so I have to go.

The wedding was over before Bondita could say anything.

Bondita froze in confusion and shock. Anirudh has seen all this. So, to change Bondita's mood; Anirudh takes a red thread and ties it around Anindita's wrist. Although Anirudh does not believe in sacred threads and everything; Still, he does it for his bondita. Anirudh happily said to Bondita, “Hey Bondita! Look here, our daughter Anindita is also wearing a sacred thread on her wrist. Now, the evil eyes are 10, no 100, no 100000, no. à´¨ൂ. à´¨ൂ. 10000000000000000000000000000000 miles away. Bondita laughed when she saw this. But Anirudh is still angry at the crow's behavior.

This is night -

In Samnoi's room: -

The little fairy Saswati is sleeping very peacefully.

As I have to go to Darjeeling with Binoy tomorrow, I am busy packing all my essentials. She does not even have time to take a deep breath. She has been working continuously since morning. Now her job is not over either. Suddenly; To Sampoorna's surprise, Binoy kissed Sampoorna on the cheek. Absolutely ashamed. Binoy lovingly put his hands on Sampoorna's shoulder and said,“Absolute; In fact I had something to tell you.

Complete: "Tell me."

Binoy: "Absolutely, we're not just going to Darjeeling for my job."

Complete: "What ??? What do you mean ????"

Binoy: "I ... I mean, because we did not celebrate our honeymoon after our wedding, so I'm planning to celebrate this.

Complete: “Jmmmmgggggggg !!!!!! Are you conscious ???? Honeymoon ??? And in this age ?????? ”

Binoy: "Why? What's wrong with that? Then, where's it written that honeymooners can not be celebrated in this age? Tell me. Are you perfect? Then, Binoy Khayali started making pulav (building air forts), looking at the ceiling above and saying, “You will be there, I will be there; You and i; You and I alone t The romantic atmosphere of Darjeeling; waahhh, waahhhhhh, waaaahhhhhhh… ”

The whole Binoy shook. Binoy is coming to reality. Binoy says, "One more thing, I'll enroll you in a good music academy there. There are several music academies in Darjeeling, so I'll add you to one of the best. I know music has always been your dream and hobby. Your dream is going to come true !!! Yes....."

When there is no reply from Sampoorna, Binoy looks back and forth, saying that Sampoorna is already gone after hearing his romantic Khayali Pulao. Binoy put his hand on his forehead.

In the room of Anirudh and Bondita: -

Time 12:15 am.

Anirudh and Bondita are sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, the baby cries and their sleep is disturbed. After all, Bondita is really tired and exhausted after pampering her children and caring for adults on the court and in housework. So, Bondita gestures to Anirudh to look at the crying baby. Anirudh sees in the cradle that crying is indecent; When Anirban sleeps peacefully without knowing his surroundings. Not wanting to disturb Bondita, Anirudh quickly raises Anindita in his arms and takes her to the terrace.

Anirudh is asking Anindita not to cry. But Anindita does not hear it. She cries and cries… Anirudh said to Anindita, “You are so naughty. Please calm down bachcha. Please do not abuse your mother. Please do not cry. When Anirudh applied; Then out of nowhere something magical happens, and the uncontrollable crying stops. Anirudh sighed in relief. But Anirudh feels something is soaking wet in his shirt; Anirudh looked down to see Anindita urinating on his shirt. Anindita laughs after doing this act. Anirudh said with a look of anger on his face, "You naughty boy. what you do??? Well, this is not your fault. it's OK. I will change. But I'm glad you stopped crying after this.

Anirudh changes Anindita's clothes. He again put Anindita in her cradle and knocked her to sleep. Anirudh changes clothes while Anindhita sleeps. He approaches Bondita and kisses her on the forehead. Then he sleeps next to Bondita.

It is early in the morning. The sun has not yet risen. It is still dark.

Sampoorna and Binoy came out with all their bags and suitcases. Bondita looks at them and asks, “Are you perfect, Ma? Where are you going at the moment ??? "

Complete: “Bondita, we're going to Darjeeling before the eternal awakening. Because, we can not say goodbye to her. Please take care of her, Bondita. I can not take her with us because it will not be safe for her.

Bondita: “The absolute Didi you should not worry about. I will care for eternity more than my children.

Sampoorna's eyes watered. Embraces complete bondage.

Binoy: "Bondita Beta, please take care of yourself and others."

Bondita: “Of course Sasurji. Take care of yourself and the whole maya.

Binoy shook his head.

Tears welled up in their eyes and Sampoorna and Binoy sat in a motorcade as they drove to Darjeeling.

The car is driven by Binoy. For a while, Binoy and Benoit were silent. But; After a while, he started singing a complete Bengali song, "Sorboto Mangalo Radhe Binodini Rai ..."

Binoy: "Oh perfect !! I like your voice, you sing so beautiful and beautiful!"

Complete: "Oops .. Thank you sooooo muchhhhhh !!!!!"

After a while, Binoy leans his head completely over Binoy's shoulder as he enjoys the outside scene while driving. Army song playing ...

Soon, Sampoorna and Benoit arrive in the beautiful city of Darjeeling. They get out of the car and look at the enchanting city !!! They are awesomeRita !!!! Seeing the scene of Darjeeling, he starts clapping his hands like a child and jumping for joy. Binoy smiles at Sampoorna's childish jokes.

The episode ends.

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