Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th January 2022 Written Episode Update : Angoori Thrashes Sunny Leona

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 26th January 2022

Angoori sitting in garden with her grandfather and talking about her love life with Gloria. Grandfather say she use to love me a lot and we use to meet hiding from everyone and we had kids too, I was handsome and hunk that’s why every girl use to flirt with me. Saxena walks to Angoori says who is she talking to all alone and greets her. Angoori says good greet grandfather too. Saxena greet him too. Angoori says Dadaji is saying he is good kid and gave you blessings. Dadaji says to Angoori hear me carefully you have to protest against foreign things. Angoori says sure I’ll do it and ask Saxena to do same. Saxena says sure I’ll do and remove his clothes and says from here and now I take oath to disfollow foreign goods and says welcome to my world Angoori now we will stay under same roof of mental asylum.

Angoori getting dining table ready. Tiwari walks to her says everything done and listen nothing should go wrong in hospitality of Commissioners brother in law because I got to know he also have undergarments business in London think if we got shop in main London. Angoori says don’t worry I’ll take good care. Commissioner and Sunny enter house and greet them. Tiwari and Angoori greet them. Commissioner introduce his brother in law to them. Tiwari ask what’s your business in London. Commissioner says his hands are in most of the business even every business man talk to him before starting any new business. Sunny says don’t hesitate if you have any work I have relation with Royal family. Angoori hera Dadaji voice and walks to him. Dadaji says those Britishers rule us for so many time made us slave and you are throwing party to them, this is so shame, if you are real daughter if India then throw them out. Angoori says what you say Dadaji, she grab stick. Sunny, Commissioner and Tiwari enjoying food. Angoori says to Dadaji go back Simon and she walks to Sunny. Tiwari ask Angoori what are you doing with stick. Angoori says I brought this stick to beat the person who is in relation with Royal family and start beating him and make them run away.

                   Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 3rd January 2022 Episode Written Update Online &TV

Angoori in bedroom get’s call from Vibhu says tell what happen. Vibhu says please come with me and tell Happu that I didn’t beat him and I was talking to you everytime. Angoori says don’t worry I’ll tell him just tell me what to say to him. Vibhu says just come with me police station and clear out things. Angoori says okay come tomorrow and tell me I’ll say to him and disconnects phone. Tiwari walks to her and say atleast say sorry one time. Angoori says no I won’t say sorry I’ll say Inquilab Zindabad and say good night to Dadaji. Tiwari look towards window and get confused.

TMT drinking and talking about there job. Tillu says I have a job but that is of no use he give me salary in 6 months. Malkhan pray I just need job which can provide food on my table. Teeka says we need chicken and mutton with that. Malkhan says nice if chicken is there then let’s get more drinks whats you say Tillu. Tillu says I need job in which we have drinks mutton and a dancer for three of us. Malkhan says but who will give us this much salary. Saxena walks yo them says I’ll give you handsome salary. Malkhan says did you open any factory. Saxena says I already have a factory we take raw material from street and make models to supply them. Tillu says you mean to say you will make us model and sell to company. Saxena says don’t use this sell word, you will be having contract with a company and you can have all the money you get from them. Tillu ask what will be the salary. Saxena says 10,000/- rs per day. TMT get shocked

Next day. Angoori out in garden singing. Vibhu walks to her. Angoori greet him and ask how are you. Vibhu greet her says if you didn’t give testimony then Happu won’t leave me. Angoori says don’t worry I’ll come with you. Vibhuti says then please come with me now. Angoori says not now because I need to give breakfast to Tiwari. Vibhu says he won’t die if you don’t give him food for some time please help me or else he will not spare me. Angoori says okay I’ll come let me give Tiwari warm water to take bath. Vibhu says nothing wrong will go if he won’t take bath for one day come on let’s go it’s more important. Angoori says let me give him undergarments. Vibhu says okay do your work we will meet in 1 hour.

Tiwari having breakfast says this is so delicious. Angoori says it’s not over still some is left. Tiwari says no more I’m already full. Angoori says I feel happy that you are full or else I was feeling guilty for Sunny. Tiwari says I aslo feel bad but no worries I’ll apologize on your behalf. Angoori says so I’ll say sorry I feel very bad for him and says do one thing tell Commissioner to bring his brother in law in I’ll say sorry in person to him. Tiwari says okay I’ll say. Angoori says on this note I’ll bring more paratha for you and go to kitchen. Tiwari pray to god says please protect her from evil eyes.
Tiwari come out his house while talking on phone to her Masi says how are you and how’s Mosa, what instead of piles his neck was operated, now he is fine good. Master and Gupta on street talking. Tiwari see them coming towards his house. Gupta and Master talking about thief. Tiwari ask them what happen. Master says some one pick our pocket. Tiwari says you should be alert like me. Master says what do you have in you to see. Tiwari says I’m always alert I didn’t lost a needle till yet. Gupta says we are human and things happen. Tiwari says learn something from me. Master says we don’t have time to learn something from you we have to go and find thief and they leave. Tiwari start leaving a man bump into him and steal his wallet. Tiwari ask who are you. Thief says did you forget I’m Bhullan. Tiwari says I don’t know. Thief says if you don’t know me then leave.

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