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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 25th March 2022
Ramesh feeds Paan to Ammi. Ammi says you should have listened to me, and we would have got saved from Bittu drama. Ramesh scolds Zafar for not listeing to Ammi. Ammi says I am feeling uneasy due to heat and all this drama. Ramesh says now you will be fine after having my paan.
Children asks shanti and Sakeena to walk more faster. Sakeena and Shanti walks, while Children plays with torch light.
Next day Ramesh and Zafar asks Ashiq and Majnu to work properly rather than wasting. Majnu and Ashiq jokes on them. Zafar and Ramesh says we shall slap
you both for their work. Manju and Ashiq make khayali pulao, but zafar and ramesh scold them.
Bbc and kodde ask for tea and paan made by zafar and ramesh.
Bittu comes and inform them that you haveli pillar is breaken, which is need to repaired and you need to pay in dollars, just book things online. He says I shall ask workers to repair it without much money.
Ramesh and Zafar take tensions, and get angry.
Shanti and Sakeena does dressing of Paro. Inam asks rest children when we shall go downstairs. Guddu gets angry and jumps. Haveli get shaken. Bittu infroms that haveli pillar is more damaged, he ask to maintain equal distance on roof.
Everyone try to balance roof using each other support, but one time it shift towards Mishra and other time towards mirza. Bittu asks them to divide according to weight.
They try to shift guddu, again weight shifts towards mirza. They ask Sakeena to stand on 1 feet to balance. Sakeena does so, it turns equal, but it again whole haveli start shaking.
Mirza asks we need to go downwards using back side stairs. Everyone goes down, smoothly expect Mirza and Mishra, but they come out again.
They discuss saying that due to bittu we lost our haveli and money. Bittu infroms that my workers ran away. Ramesh get angry. Bittu infroms that you need to repair haveli from begining. Everyone gets angry
on him. Dilip enegineer arrives, who goes to check haveli, bittu though get scared
but says call me once he checks, as haveli need repair.
Dilip checks whole haveli, and find that contracter made whole in pillar, he fixes it and informs them, bittu hearing this run away. Ramesh asks Dilip to repair house, he agrees and promises to do it in 2-3 days.
Everyone ask Paro to clean, as soon as she tries brick falls on her.
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