Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Vibhuti Starts His New Magzine

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 7th March 2022

Angoori on phone with Bhuri outside her house. Angoori says what happen you don’t miss me, what your husband buied necklace of 9lakh and ask her to share pic and disconnects phone. Angoori see photo and says so thais is how it’s look, my husband don’t buy anything for me and look at this Bhuri’s husband buying necklace for her. Vibhuti walks to her says you like necklace. Angoori says yes I like it and I never saw it in person. Vibhu says what you never saw. Angoori says to Vibhu you are saying as if you got many necklace with you. Vibhuti says my mom got one. Angoori in shock says she really have one. TMT walks to them Teeka says why don’t you sell that necklace and give us our money back. Vibhuti shouts at them. Malkhan says Teeka is right. Tillu says remember you took 5000rs from us. Master and Gupta come to them. Master says he took money from me years back. Gupta says I need money for that vaccination you took and I’m not going yo pay from my pocket I want 1400rs of vaccination. Malkhan says to Gupta don’t worry about that. Anu come to balcony and hear them talking. Tillu says Helan got necklace worth 9 lakh and ask Vibhu to sell it and reapy everyone’s loan. Anu says I’ll not put sanitizer in your eyes if someone try to have an bad eye on that necklace. Master says then how we will get our money back. Anu says take from the person who took from you. Angoori says but Vibhu is jobless. Anu says to Angoori you are right but he is responsible for that I’m also tiered of that and I request you all not the lend him money and if you give him that will be your responsibility not mine and ask Vibhu to come inside and cook breakfast. Vibhu walk away. Everyone ask for money. Angoori ask vendor to give her vegetable. TMT take vegetable from the vendor. Angoori says to them where are you taking all these vegetable are you making mix veg.

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 3rd January 2022 Episode Written Update Online &TV

Tiwari near tea stall counting money. Vibhu walks to him and he hides his money. Vibhu ask him what are you hiding. Tiwari says nothing I got nothing to hide. Vibhu says this is true that you are transparent person you are very remarkable. Tiwari says what are you praising me, what do you want. Vibhuti says if you are thinking this then you are right, he joins his hand and says I need 500rs in urgent please give me money for humanity. Tiwari says don’t join your hand, I know you are in bad condition and I care for you tell me how much you want. Vibhu says 10,000. Tiwari says I don’t care that much you need 500rs wait and he gets call from Anu. Anu greet her and says tell me in yes or no is Vibhu with you. Tiwari says yes. Anu says okay did he ask for money. He says yes. Anu says did you give him money. Tiwari says yes he ask me for 500rs so one end is in my hand and other one in his hand. Anu says okay take that money back and don’t give him money. Tiwari says okay disconnects phone and tear the money in half while snatching it and run away.

Angoori in kitchen singing and cleaning vegetable. Vibhu walks to her and praise her for singing and start acting and says I need money please give me and you will have half of the blessings. Angoori says why are you giving me half blessings. Vibhuti says because I’m hungry and ask her for money to eat and drink. Angoori says why don’t you eat here. Vibhu says I’ll eat but do you have arrengement for eating something. Angoori says yes we have water. Vibhu says I’m sad and need something else to drink. Angoori says what are you saying. Vibhuti says leave it I’ll eat. Angoori give him a plate to eat and leave.

Prem on phone says listen you didn’t give me money that’s why I closed your shop Pappu Printing Press and your shop will be mine till the time you don’t repay me my money. Vibhu walks to him. Prem get scared after seeing him. Vibhu mocks him and ask why did you scared. Prem says not me everyone is scared of you because don’t know how much money you will take and then who will fight with your danger wife, now tell how can I help you, I’m tiered of helping friends. Vibhu says you have done a lot for me thanks man. Prem says I’m born to help friend, I gave 3lakh to one of my friend it’s been 2 years and now it come out to be 5lakh with interest but he is jot giving me money and he run away so I closed his shop. Vibhu says why did he run. Prem says I got to know he use to print something else. Vibhu says what you will do with this printing press. Prem says if you want you can take it but listen don’t print adult magazines or else we both will be caught.

Rusa in market says I’ll not leave that guy he took my sandals and run away. Malkhan nearby says to Rusa what happen did someone tease you. Rusa says yes. Malkhan says don’t worry tell me who was he. Rusa says he was restarted guy, what I did I took one of my sandal in hands and hit him with sandals. Vibhuti nearby seeing them and clicking photos or Rusa hitting Malkhan. Rusa says to Malkhan you know then what happen I thought he will run but he took my sandal and run away, I said wait give me back my sandal, he said I’ll worship this sandal. Malkhan says don’t worry he took only sandal. Rusa says you know my three sandal are been stolen. Malkhan says those two Teeka and Tillu steal it and third one I stole it. Rusa in shock.

Vibhu in market early morning near newspaper vendor. Vendor says come afterwards it’s time for business. Vibhu says I’m talking about your profit. Vendor ask what profit. Vibhu says I have something, you have to send this magazine in every house with thses paper. Vendor says how will this benifit me. Vibhu says for first week we will send magzine free of cost and when they will get a habit of spicy news then we will charge them 10rs pre magzine. He ask how much I’ll get then. Vibhuti says I’ll give you 1rs per magzine and if you distribute it in 200 house then you will get 200rs per day. Vendor says I like this model. Vibhu says but remember nobody should know about it or else I’ll not leave you and leave.

Angoori in garden singing. Newspaper vendor come and give her paper and ask for the remaining money. Angoori calls Tiwari. Tiwari walks to them. Angoori says newspaper person is asking for money. Tiwari ask what happen. Vendor says you have a balance of 1300 of last month. Tiwari give him and and he leaves. Vibhu walks to them and greet Angoori. Angoori greet him back. Tiwari ask do you also have this newspaper Bhandaphod. Vibhuti says yes ofcourse. Tiwari take out magzine and ask do you also get this. Vibhu says yes a magzine come with it Chalu Chikni Chachi. Tiwari says is there any charges. Vibhuti says for jow it’s free and you will love the news in this magazine. Tiwari mocks him. Angoori says one time write it. Tiwari read one of the article and laughs and see the photos and says there is a news of Malkhan too. Vibhu ask him to read. Tiwari says Commissioners sister in law beat Malkhan with her sandal and everyone laugh. Vibhuti says I’ll leave now.

TMT, Doctor, Prem and Master near tea stall. Tillu says let’s read the news of Chalu Chikni Chachi and read the news of Malkhan. Gupta says read further too. Tillu read the article of Malkhan how Rusa beat him with her sandal. Everyone laugh at Malkhan. Malkhan says stop laughing this is not true and tell the story. Prem says we can see Rusa is beating you. Malkhan try to defend himself. Prem says this is not first time I have seen you outside girls hostel been hit by them. Tillu mocks him. Teeka and Tillu says talk about him don’t bring us in between. Doctor and Master mocks them. Malkhan says listen to me carefully your turn will also come and shouts listen Chalu Chikni Chachi if you can hear me then there are more bad people then me in this colony.

Vibhuti coming out or press shop, goes to vendor and ask for tea. Prem walks to him and ask how is your magzine going on. Vibhu it’s starting phase and you know things. Prem says that’s why I’m asking because your magzine have great response in market. Vibhu says so people are enjoying my magzine. Prem says they are waiting to know who is Chalu Chikni Chachi so that they can take revenge.

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