Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 18th April 2022 Written Episode Update: TMT And Vibhu Gets The Job

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 18th April 2022

Angoori walks to her garden while singing. Vibhu walks to her and flirt with her and praises her for her song. Angoori says should I sing one more. Vibhu says no I git my energy for today. David at door scolds Vibhu and aays because of you I’m drinking black tea. Vibhu mocks him. Angoori says why are you fighting stop it. Anu walks to balcony. Vibhu start making fun of David and Anu. David says don’t accuse me for everything your wife also does the same. Vibhu crib about everything. Anu says to Vibhu keep your hand at your chest and tell truth. Vibhu murmur. Anu says atop it, you have disrespected me infront of everyone as if I trouble you a lot. Angoori says to Anu, Vibhu told me how you torcher him and keep him locked for days. Anu shouts at Vibhu says feel like shooting you. David says yes do it and finish the case. Anu says to David second bullet will be for you because of you Vibhu is unemployed, he don’t work because of your 20 crore, she disrespect him. Vibhu says to Angoori did you see how bitter she is. Angoori says to Vibhu she is still looking at you. Anu says to Vibhu I need my breakfast come fast, I have to leave for my work and iron my clothes come fast. David also mocks Vibhu.

TMT in market having breakfast. Teeka says I already had bad vibes from him. Tillu says then you should have told first. Malkhan says but we didn’t know that he will steal money from us in exchange for job, we had 1500rs for rent now what we will give to landlord. Tiwari walks to them and mocks them. Tillu says shut up because of you we are unemployed. Tiwari says how am I the reason. Malkhan says you don’t give him his salary for 6 months. Tiwari says if you are supporting him then why don’t you give for his expenses. They both ignore him. Tiwari says now listen you will always be unemployed and slaps Tillu and walk away.

A man making announcement for unemployed people outside Vibhu’s house. TMT start arguing. Vibhu says shut up first listen what he is saying. Man says get ready for Baba Rozgar who will help everyone. Vibhu says so you mean to say your Baba will give us job. Man says no he is fakeer. Vibhu start mocking Baba. Man says if you want his blessings take or else forget it. Teeka ask where is the location of Baba. Man says he is located at abandon house in Afeem Khoti and they leave. Tillu ask Teeka are you going to him. Teeka says no I was just asking for the information. Malkhan says I don’t believe Baba. Tillu says you know people get job on there calibre if Baba is the key for job then there will be no begger. Vibhu says he is right you get job on education not on superstition. Happu walks to them and ask what education are you giving and tell what was the announcement for is there any election. Teeka ask him are you unemployed. Happu says I’m Inspector. Malkhan says then that announcement was not for you. Vibhu mocks him and he walk away. Saxena walks to them and ask what was happeyhere. Vibhu tell him about Rozgar Baba. Saxena says I’ll meet him and ask him to give me job of cutting mountain and he leaves. Vibhu ask TMT will you go to him. Teeka says I’ll not go and you will get things written in your luck. Vibhu says you are right, Kanpur is the land of opportunities, you just have to grab and says I’ll not go.

Vibhu outside the hut of Rozgar Baba and he see three boys hiding behind paper and ask them do you also come here to see Rozgar Baba. Tillu says you can open your face we know you and they remove paper. Vibhu in shock and ask you. TMT says yes we know you will be here and start mocking him. Vibhu says I came here to meet someone and when time is wrong you don’t care much to grab opportunity. A man shouts from inside come Baba is calling you. Vibhu rushes in and come out. Malkhan ask what happen. He says Baba was sitting nude inside.

Angoori in kitchen. Vibhu walks to Angoori and greet her. Angoori ask him where were you, you asked me to call whenever I’m cooking flower, so I tried contacting you where were you. Vibhu says I went for the job, there is a new Baba is Kanpur and it’s said that whoever gets his blessing will get job easily. Angoori ask so did you get his blessings. Vibhu says yes and flirt with her, he gets call from Anu. Anu says I have a client named Vinod Verma. Vibhu says I heard that name somewhere. Anu says you don’t know him, he need a staff manager and if he like it he will get promoted too and he will pay 70,000/-. Vibhu ask when do I have to join. Anu says first he will take a formal interview and then he will decide, this can be a big opportunity for you and hungs up. Vibhu says I don’t like her habit and turn to see Angoori.

TMT at stall. Teeka ask what do you think about Baba. Teek says I don’t believe him. Tillu says but to wait for something wont gurt our pocket. Malkhan says Tillu is right if Baba’s blessings are strong then we will surely get the job. Gupta walks to them and ask how’s everything going and ssays to Malkhan I was looking for you, you were asking for a job so you can join me as compounder. Malkhan gets happy and praises Baba Rozgar. Gupta says says yes or else I’ll change my mind. Malkhan says I’m ready. Gupta says okay start your work from tomorrow morning and he leaves. Tillu and Teeka congratulates him and leave. Master walks to them and says to Teeka I have requested my principal for your job so he is ready to give you job without any interview. Teeka get’s happy and thanks him. Master says you have to ring bell and for first six months you will get 10,000/- per month after that you can get promoted too based on your performance. Teeka get’s happy. Master says come to school tomorrow and he leaves. Tillu gets happy for them and says let’s see when I’ll get busy. Prem walks to them and says to Tillu you want to get busy, he tell him about medicine. Tillu says I’m ready and Prem leave. Tillu get’s happy for job and start mocking Tiwari. Tiwari passing by slaps Tillu and says you are trying to act smart, doing timepass, who will sit at shop then. Tillu says I have left your job because I got a new job. Tiwari mocks him and leave.

David with luggage in hall, he see bottle of whiskey and sit down. Vibhu walks out from kitchen with snacks and see David with bottle he rushes to him and snatch bottle from his hand and ask what were you doing. David says you charged at me as if I was looting your safe. Vibhu says Anita’s friend is coming and you know he is a big shot. David says now say that Anu bought this 5000 rs bottle. Vibhu says you know if she get to know you drink it then you know what she will do. David and Vibhu start arguing says I have to go Bangkok and then London so let’s have some drink. Vibhu says someone is coming to meet me and you are leaving. David says you are saying like you are scared of person who is coming to meet you. A man walks to them and ask Vibhu is this Anita’s house. Vibhu says ofcourse please sit down. Vinod introduce himself to Vibhu. David introduce himself as Vibhu’s friend. Vinod says to Vibhu isn’t he old enough to be friend. Vibhu says yes because he is my uncle.

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