Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th May 2022 Written Episode Update Kanpur Cricket Club Accepts Teeka And Friends

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 17th May 2022

Everyone at coconut water stall. Teeka says why are you laughing, we will show you all. Tillu says to Tiwari if we don’t become player then you can change our name. Malkhan says to Tiwari you will get to know when we will play cricket in London. Master and Gupta make fun of them.

Angoori waiting for Vibhu. Vibhu walks to Angoori and greet her. Angoori greet him back and avout to start telling her poem. Vibhu stops her and flirt with her and tell her poem. Angoori says I told you that I wrote poem on dishes. Vibhu says sorry I forgot things and flirt with her. Angoori says I said that I’ll tell you poem but you are not stopping. Vibhu apologies to her vut Prem come to him and says sit down fast. Vibhu says Angoori is about to tell poem. Prem says do you want this poem to be if 75,000/- rs. Vibhu sit with him and leave. Angoori says to David look at your nephew he is not ready to listen my poem. David says don’t worry and go inside house.

Prem and Vibhu reach to location. Vibhu ask where did you bring me. Prem says I have some important work here so take my scooter for servicing. Vibhu says you could have given me there, atleast I would have heard her poem.prwm says so did you lost something if you didn’t heard her poem. Vibhu says forgot it you won’t understand and ask him key’s. Prem says it’s there take it and curse Prem. A man passing by aak him address. Vibhu says go I’m not in mood and slaps him.

Anu reading magzine on how to create importance of being a wife. David bring coffee and ask who are you trying to impress. Anu says I’m trying to impress your nephew and scolds him for his coffee and says there is no milk in this. David says there is no milk in house. Anu says I asked Vibhu to bring milk but he is still not back, he might be with his friend having fun. David says who have fun in morning night time is fun time. Anu start cursing Vibhu and they both start talking about Vibhu and his friend Prem. David says don’t worry he likes to take care of you. Anu ask how much. David says you are his wife. Anu ask David who is more close to your heart, friends or wife. David says don’t you know my relation about my wife. Anu ask him tell me who is more close to Vibhu, me or his friend. David says it’s so hot and ignore her question and leave.

Vibhu at service centre ask him to service Prems scooty. Mechanic says it will 75 hrs and I’ll charge 7500 for that. Vibhu get’s irritated with the number 75 and ask him to service that scooty. Tiwari walks to Vibhu and says when you don’t have reputation to work your marriage with a beautiful girl then why did you get married to her. Vibhu says how dare you and they both start arguing about there wife. Tiwari says Anu told me how you ditched her in her romantic time. Vibhu says you should also take care of your wife. Mechanic says there are 75 faults in your scooter. Vibhu get’s irritated and ask him to repair scooty.

Angoori in kitchen writing poem on lady finger and praises herself and say what should I do with this talent nobody is ready to hear them. Angoori thinks of calling Ammaji and dial her number. Ammaji picks call greet Angoori and aks how are you. Angoori says I’m good and I want to tell you a good news. Ammaji says thank god I’m finally becoming grandmother and get’s excited. Angoori says there is something else, I’m a poet now. Ammaji says the time is be mom not poet. Angoori says I’m trying that too and I wrote a poem on lady finger. Ammaji throw her phone at someone.
Angoori disconnects call and cribs and ask god who should I tell my poem.

TMT, Rusa, Master and Gupta at tea stall. TMT waiting for someone. Master says to them stop waiting nothing good can happen to you guys. Rusa says listen TMT if didn’t get call from cricket club then don’t show me your face. Gupta says to Rsua I think you are wasting your time. Tea Vendor says Master and Gupta you should cheer TMT but instead you are making fun of them. Teeka says they are not that kind of people. Tillu says if I don’t get selected then I’ll leave this city. Rusa says how overdramatic people you are, nothing is left here for you guys. Malkhan says don’t say like these it will break our heart. Gupta mocks them. A man walks to them and ask where can I find TMT. Teeka says here we are. Man give them letter from cricket club and walk away. Tillu open letter, mocks Master and Gupta and ask Rusa to read the letter. Rusa reads the letter says you three are selected for Kanpur cricket club, best if luck for your bright future. TMT get’s numb and start shouting in joy.

Vibhu waiting for Prem. Prem walks to him. Vibhu ask where were you. Prem says I didn’t get taxi so was walking to come to you. Vibhu says you should have come with taxi. Angoori calls Vibhu and ask where are you please come fast and bring cottage cheese when you come. Vibhu says don’t worry I’ll get it for you and will be there in no time and disconnects call. Prem says you are always eager to meet Angoori and we are ediot here. Vibhu says you are my friend close to my heart. Prem says if we would be close to you then you would have not avoided me. Vibhu says Angoori want to tell my poem. Prem mocks him and tease him about 75,000/- rs. Vibhu says try your scooter I did the servicing. Prem start his scooty and leave. Vibhu shouts take me too.

Anu on phone with Kalavati about Vibhu’s behaviour. Tiwari walks in and greet Anu. Anu disconnects call. Tiwari give her saree as gift. Anu see the gift and says it is so gorgeous, did you bring only one. Tiwari says yes only three were made and this is the last one. Anu ask where are rest two. Tiwari says one is with London’s queen and other one is with Sultan of Brunei. Anu ask tell me one thing what did you bring for Angoori are you not gifting her saree. Tiwari says yes I brought for her too. Anu says is that you gifted this saree to Angoori first and then giving it to me because she didn’t like it.

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