Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th May 2022 Written Episode Update: TMT Learn The Truth About There Selection

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Episode 20th May 2022

Anu says to Tiwari and Angoori, I’ll come to party but on one condition. Tiwari say’s speak. Anu says the condition is Prem should not be in party. Angoori try to tell her poem but Tiwari and Anu ignore her and leave.

Tiwari walks to Vibhu says I talked about the party to Anu. Vibhu says was she happy. Tiwari says she have a condition for party that Prem is not invited only then she will come.

TMT at tea stall stretching there body. Master and Prem sitting together. Master says it’s been so many days I went to party. Teeka says don’t worry when we will win match we will call you and even you will get foreign alcohol. Prem says I did party with cricketers they are full of fun. Rusa walks to TMT and greet them. Rusa says come let’s make some reel and have some fun. TMT says sure and Malkhan shoot reel. Rusa with bat and Teeka with ball, he throws the ball and his Master. Master shouts in pain. Teeka says it was not fault I just spin the ball. Tillu says you should compliment him for his skill. Malkhan says he don’t compliment and mocks him. Rusa says don’t waste your time. Vibhu walks and greet everyone and he invite everyone except Prem. Prem ask where are you throwing party. Vibhu says it’s not your kind of party I’ll keep another one for you. Prem ask why other party. Vibhu says you know Anu don’t like you I’ll take you next month to party where you will get dancer too. Prem says how I’ll go I don’t have 75rs with me. Vibhu take him aside and beg him not to come in his party, please.

Everyone in party. Gupta says to TMT uf tomorrow you become celebrity then you won’t let us click photo. Rusa says don’t worry I’ll connect you with them because I’ll be there manager. Gupta thanks her. Teeka says I’m down to earth but there got some attitude. Tillu and Malkhan denys. David ask Vibhu where is Anu. Vibhu says I’m scared of her I think she may change her mind. Angoori at main door standing, Anu and Tiwari also come from behind. Vibhu get’s excited. Angoori congratulate Vibhu. Anu walks to Vibhu. TMT, Tiwari and Rusa congrats both of them. Angoori says why both of them are not responding. David shouts Vibhu’s name. Master ask Gupta to check them. Gupta walks to vibhu and says his heart is beating fast and call Vibhu. Vibhu shouts at Gupta and apologies to Anu. Anu says don’t say anything just enjoy. Vibhu says I thought I’m seeing her after so many time I felt a different connection. Anu says I feel the same. Tiwari and Vibhu start arguing. Angoori says shut up and says on this event I’ll tell my poem. Vibhu says everyone will listen your poem now. Angoori says title of my poem is tomato and says her poem. Everyone cheer her. Angoori says thanks and and says I’ll tell my second poem, it’s title is Raita and tell her poem. Everyone laugh and cheer her. Angoori feel shy and says to Anu if they will praise me then I won’t be able to tell my poe. Anu says don’t worry we will dance now. Orem walks in says you didn’t invited me in party your forget me. Vibhu says I asked you not to come in party, still you are here and TMT to catch him. Anu says what are you doing. Vibhu I won’t do anything his wife will. Prem ask what are you trying to say. Vibhu calls his wife. Sheela at door walks in. Vibhu tells about Prem everything. Prem says what nonsense are you talking to my wife. Sheela says he is telling me about your reality. Vibhu says he abuses you and if you don’t believe ask everyone. Everyone says yes. Prem says what are you doing Vibhu. Sheela says I won’t leave you today. Vibhu says I lost 75,000/- in gambling to him and he made my life hell, he tortured me a lot. Anu scolds Prem for his behaviour, shame on you and you should not interfere in others privacy. Angoori says yes he made Vibhu his slave. Prem says I’m sorry. Tiwari says to Prem I would like to suggest you, do not give money so much importance because money can make relationship and break it too so give importance to relation or else you will be left alone in life. Prem says leave me and thanks Tiwari and leave. Sheela follow him. Vibhu says did you heard about the tail of dog so from now on you will use Prem’s name instead of dog. Angoori says in that note I remember a poem on dog. Tiwari faints.

TMT in market with Rusa. Rusa says get ready for your practice, Rusa start her commentry. Teeka says please praise me too I’m also playing cricket. Teeka throw ball, Tillu hits it and Malkhan get ready to catch the ball. Master and Gupta coming towards Malkhan. Malkhan falls on Master. Gupta and Malkhan hold master in there hands. Master scolds them. Gupta and TMT says to Master you should cheer us and then our colony name will be famous and you will also because famous. Gupta cheer them up. A man walks and says hello myself Arjun I’m from Kanpur cricket club so from when are you joining. TMT ask who is our competitors. Arjun says your work is before the match, world cup is near and we required few guys to repair stadium and you three were selected for those labour, gi and wear some dirty clothes you have to go and clean whole stadium. TMT feel bad after listening the truth.

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