Bhagya Lakshmi 25th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Inspector Durga Devi To Catch The Culprit

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Bhagya Lakshmi Episode 25th July 2022 Written Update

The Episode starts with Rishi asking Lakshmi, why did she turn her face. She says don’t talk to me, and says I will not talk to you, as you was talking irrelevant talks. She says you was asking me to say, to tell what is in your eyes, and asks it is of which film’s name. She says she don’t want to talk. He says even I don’t want to talk and says there will be peace in life for sometime. He sits on the bed. Balwinder sees Ayush meeting with an accident and sees him fine, thinks he got saved. He asks him to come behind him. He runs, while ayush walks behind him with much difficulty. Lakshmi asks what did you say that peace comes in your life if I don’t talk. He says you say a lot, and says you say, but not much, when you don’t say then I don’t feel good. Lakshmi looks at him. He says do you remember, once I had told, that when you speak, I feel peace. She asks what is truth, this thing or that. He asks why are you asking so much. Lakshmi asks I saw something which I didn’t see before. He asks what is it? Lakshmi says I saw how you support me, what my respect means to you, I saw what…He says your respect is more to mine, asks her to remember. Door bell rings. Balwinder is going to his house. He thinks Ayush is behind me, and says I am not that mad about Lakshmi, like he is mad about me. He is about to hit Ayush. Ayush holds the stick and fights with him. Balwinder holds the rod on his neck and he faints and falls down. Shalu hears the sound as this thing happen outside her house. Balwinder thinks if he has died and gets worried. He thinks if anyone saw this murder.

Police comes to Oberoi Mansion. Manoj opens the door. The constables come there. Dadi asks them to say. The lady constable says let our superior comes. Dadi gets worried and asks if anything has happened to Ayush. Malishka hears and thinks if Balwinder has killed Ayush. She thinks Sonia is already upset, and if anything happens to Ayush, then she will tell Neelam about me. She thinks now Police has come. Lakshmi tells that Bau ji called them here. Malishka thinks why did Balwinder kill him and thinks now the murder case will run on me also. She asks God to have some pity on her, as I loved Rishi more than Lakshmi. Lakshmi tells Dadi that they were worried for Ayush, then Bau ji came to our room. A fb is shown, Rishi tells that he will go and search Ayush. Lakshmi asks where you will go and search them. Virender comes there and says I talked to the Commissioner and told him everything. He says he understood and gave the case to the competent Inspector. Fb ends. Lakshmi says nothing has happened to Ayush. Malishka hears and thinks Dadi would have made her get heart attack. Rishi says Inspector is Singham. Dadi asks if he is Singham. Constable says double singham and tells about how he handled the cases. They praise their superior and tell that he hates lie and exposes the liars. She praises her more and says now he will take entry. Virender says Balwinder will not be saved now. Rishi says whoever is supporting balwinder, will be caught. Virender says Commissioner called the Inspector. Dadi says she wants to see who is this Singham. Lady Inspector comes there, whom they refer Madam Sir, Durga Devi Singh. Virender welcomes her.

Durga Devi says people wants to be away from Police, we are protectors and then also people gets afraid of us, I want this fear to go away from people, when they see Police, they shall feel safe and courageous. Virender says hearing you, I feel that the day will come near. Durga Devi says you have to help us, and tells that commissioner told her everything. She says you have kept Balwinder here and it was illegal. She says this shall be the last mistake, leave the law work on law, and tells that even Commissioner don’t interfere in her work. She says lets talk about Balwinder. Malishka thinks lady Singham might end my work. She says first Lakshmi and now this Durga. Durga Devi sees Malishka upset and looks at her. Malishka smiles and thinks if I see nervous or scared, then she will doubt on me, and asks herself to be calm. Durga Devi asks Rishi, if he caught Balwinder and enquired with him. He says yes. She says good but not good and asks him not to show the bravery which makes him criminal. Neelam asks her to search Ayush and says he didn’t come home. Durga Devi says it is my work, I will search Ayush and Balwinder. She says I have come now, you don’t need to show your bravery. She looks at Malishka and asks who are you? Malishka says she is Malishka. Dadi says I am Rishi’s Dadi. Virender asks Dadi, how is Durga Devi? Dadi says she is Kali for Criminals. Lakshmi says Ayush shall come home soon.

Shalu comes out of the house. She sees Ayush unconsciously lying on the road. She runs to him and asks him to open his eyes. Ayush opens his eyes and says Balwinder. Shalu says I am Shalu, whom you call Aloo. Ayush says I didn’t lose my memory and asks where is Balwinder? He says he has eloped. Shalu says you have a head injury. He asks if she is mad since childhood. Shalu says I am helping you. Ayush says I don’t need your help and falls on her. She holds him. Song plays….suna hai…He asks what are you doing, don’t take chance on me. He says I am not type of guy. Shalu says you should have thanked God, as I have a big heart and holding you. Ayush asks her to leave him and says I am a man and can walk. He tries to walk and falls. Shalu says you are not a man and holds him, asks him to come with her. He smiles and looks at her. Song plays again.

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