Naagin Season 6 23rd July 2022 Written Episode Update: Rishabh Cancels His Plan To Demolish The Naag Mahal

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Naagin Season 6 Episode 23th July 2022 Written Update

The Episode starts with Rishabh asking Riya where is her Mom. Riya tells that Mom and Hina went somewhere for some work. Rishabh says ok. He asks Rajesh if he thought about the land which they had talked for construction land. Rajesh says we will talk. Reem asks Rajesh to take the breakfast. Rajesh thanks her. Pratha also comes there and sits for breakfast. A guy comes there, whom Rishabh calls as Sir. Sir asks Rishabh to meet Mr. Sharma who wanted that well known army officer shall inaugurate the place, which was taken over by archeological dept and says they wanted to make it as tourist spot, and construction started there and monument is going to be made there. Rishabh asks where is that place. Sir says behind the mountain, it is an isolated place, it is heard that there is some old temple there. Pratha thinks there is Naag Mahal there. Sir says who could be the best person than you to inaugurate. Rishabh says my construction work also starting there. Mr. Sharma invites him and his family and goes.

Reem’s husband Ritesh tells Rishabh that he wants a certificate as he is filing the tender. Rishabh says ok and goes. Pratha gets up. Rajesh asks why are you tensed? Pratha says they can’t harm the temple, I will not let them make the monument there. He asks why? She says I can’t tell you now and tells that she wants to stop the inauguration. Rajesh asks her to kill Rishabh, so that inauguration stops and asks her to get ready for the big hunt. Pratha goes. Divya asks Rajesh if he is saying this, as he is getting possessive for Pratha. She asks him not to forget what Jwala had done for them and for what they have come here.

Rishabh comes to search the certificate and finds Shakti’s medical report. He thinks Shakti had died long back. He thinks how can this be possible. Shakti thinks about Pratha and imagines her. He gets angry and says I want to see her right now. He asks where is she? He gets a screw driver and thinks to break the wall and see his Deepika, it is a fun to watch her secretly. Ritesh comes to Rishabh and asks him to check the other contract papers.

Rajesh says Kiara haven’t come, we have to go for inauguration. Mahek asks what is this inauguration for? Rishabh says you will know soon. Rishabh looks at Pratha, who is coming there wearing Ash color gown, He recalls Pratha hugging him wearing Ash color saree. He recalls telling her that she looks beautiful in this color. Shakti manages to make a hole in the wall and sees Pratha. Pratha says Hina, it seems you are not giving time to your husband, that’s why he is so alone, don’t know in which zone he is. She asks him to get up. Shakti looks at her and says Deepika. Rishabh says lets go and tells Rajesh that they will meet in the inauguration.

In the car, Rishabh asks Mahek, where this inauguration is happening? Rishabh says we are going to the temple. Mahek thinks if they are doing construction there, then Naag and Naagins will be homeless. She thinks I can’t go there, I shall support the Naags and Naagins. Pratha says it is the same Naag Mahal, where we were born, I will not let this Naag Mahal break. Mahek tells urvashi that she will stop this inauguration. Urvashi asks what you will say that it is your/Shesh Naagin’s home. Some men comes on their way and asks them not to go, as snakes stay in the temple, and Shesh Naagin lives. Rishabh says there is nothing like Shesh Naagin and asks them to move from their way else he will call the Police. The people moves from their way and thinks where did Naags and Naagins will go, if they make the place as tourist spot and a monument. One of the man becomes snake and crawls. Rishabh thinks who has gone from there. The snake man thinks he will not let him destroy the Naag Mahal.

They come inside the Naag Mahal. Mr. Sharma tells that everyone is invited here, and tells that this temple will be handover to the archeological dept, to make the tourist spot. Rajesh asks if she is ready to kill Rishabh. Pratha says yes, I have several reasons to kill him. Urvashi looks at her mother’s pic and says you have thrown me out and snatched my Naagin avatar. She says today I am standing here and will see this temple breaking. She looks for her mother’s anklet. Pratha thinks what is she searching and thinks she had kept it here. She thinks where did the anklet go. Mahek gets worried seeing Pratha and her pic in Naagin’s costume, and thinks she has to do something, they might see it. She makes the photo frame falls down. Rishabh comes there. Pratha goes to the drawer and searches for the anklet, and finds it in the same drawer. She tells Nani that she will not let this temple broken, and says you have given me this anklet and not to Urvashi. She keeps back the anklet. Rishabh comes there talking on phone. Pratha sees him and her skin gets scaly. The men tells Rishabh that when they were coming here, some people tried to stopped them and said that Shesh Naagin stay here, and asks if the snakes will come and stop us. They laugh. A blue snake comes there. The men who were laughing get afraid.

A guy pours wine around the snake and lights fire. Mahek and Pratha are shocked. Pratha comes running there, holds the snake in her hand and frees it from the fire. The snake crawls out. Everyone claps for her. A guy asks Rajesh how is he? He says I heard about your wife’s death and felt bad. He gets a call and the person on call tells that a major dispute happened for that haveli. Divya asks what happen? Rajesh says I have to save that haveli, it will go from my hands. Divya says nobody shall know about it, be careful. Mr. Sharma asks Rishabh to inaugurate it. Urvashi thinks Maa, your Palace is gone. Mahek thinks to act to save the temple, else the naags and naagins will not leave us. Shesh Naag comes to the people, who turns out to be snake men and women. They ask Shesh Naag to save their Palace. Pratha comes there. Shesh Naag tells that you have to save Naag Mahal , it is your responsibility being shesh naagin, they can’t destroy naag mahal in your presence. Pratha recalls Rajesh’s words and prays to Shiv ji, and says this is home to our Naags and Naagins, and Rishabh wants to break it, I will kill him for Naag vansh and for my unborn baby who was killed by Rishabh. She says shesh naagin is coming to stop Rishabh.

Mr. Sharma asks Rishabh to do the inauguration and cut the ribbon. Pratha is standing far and blows wind from her mouth. Rishabh couldn’t cut the ribbon. Everyone couldn’t see what is happening due to the heavy wind and storm. Rishabh recalls the people (Naag family) words. Pratha becomes half naagin and thinks I will kill you, but will not let you break it. She says I have come here as your death. Rishabh and others see snakes coming out from behind the idol. They see a giant snake crawling towards them. Rishabh falls down while moving back. The small snake jumps and grabs Rishabh’s neck. Everyone looks on. Urvashi asks Mahek to do something and make the place normal. Mahek blows air from her mouth and makes the storm go. Rishabh manages to free himself. Mr. Sharma says we shall kill this snake. Rishabh stops him and says this snake didn’t attack me without a reason, says this temple is their house and life, and I can’t snatch their lives from them. Pratha thinks who is real Rishabh, he has become a secret. Rishabh says this temple will not be broken and will stay as it is. The Naag family comes there and thanks Rishabh for his great decision. Mahek hugs him and tells that his heart is so big and he has understood the snakes. Rishabh says lets go home. Urvashi asks Mahek, why is she showing love towards Rishabh. Mahek says she hugged him to show the snakes that she has saved the naag mahal.

Rajesh, Pratha and Divya are in the car. He thinks he knew that Pratha will not kill Rishabh. He asks them to go inside and says I will come later, as he has some work. Mahek appreciates Rishabh for thinking so much about the snakes. Rishabh says he will not let Archeology dept to break it, and tells that he will file the application in court. He sees Pratha and asks about Rajesh. Pratha says he will come later and tells that he might be planning something for her.

Rajesh comes to meet the lawyer. The lawyer tells that this haveli will go for charity after two days. Rajesh says there must be some way. The lawyer asks him to get married if he wants to save this haveli. Pratha recalls Rishabh’s words. Rajesh comes to Pratha’s room. Pratha asks what are you doing here? He asks if she is missing Rishabh. She says she didn’t understand. He says you will tell a story if I ask you, and was helping you as Jwala asked me. He says now I need your help and for that you have to do my work. He shows the ring and asks her to marry him. Pratha asks what the hell, why will I marry you and how you can expect this from me. Rajesh asks her to relax and says I want to marry you, because I will get the haveli if I remarry, which was actually of my wife, her aunty is coming to see the marriage. He tells that the marriage will be fake and says once I get the haveli, we will return. He says you can kill rishabh like you wanted, as you will be with me on the mandap. He says you will get your revenge and I will get my haveli back. Pratha says I will marry you falsely and will give real death to Rishabh.

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