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How do I create a Fiverr account?
Disclaimer: Fiverr’s Terms of Service require that all users be at least 18 years of age and of legal age to form a binding contract. Users under 18 and at least 13 years of age are permitted to use the site only through an account owned by their parent or legal guardian with their appropriate permission. Users under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the site.
Before we dive into the exact steps to take to create your account, remember that, by default, all accounts created on Fiverr are buyer accounts.
The difference between a buyer and seller account only takes place if a buyer decides to begin offering services on Fiverr as a seller. This article will assist you in creating a buyer account and will guide you through activating your seller account.
Fiverr allows you to create a buyer account and a seller account or a buyer/seller account. You may only have one seller account on Fiverr.
Before you can create and sell Gigs on Fiverr, you’ll be required to create a “seller” account.
Please note that all sellers are reviewed during the sign-up and gig creation process, and are subject to approval by Fiverr.
Learn more with our Terms of Service.
Activating your seller account is only available through your desktop.
Creating your Gig is only available through your desktop.
To create an account:
1. From Fiverr's homepage, click Join.
2. Enter your email address and click Continue.
Note: You can also join with Facebook, Google Connect, and Apple Connect.
3. Choose your username!
- Once you've successfully created your account, your username can't be changed.
- Your username is your display name (and is within your Fiverr URL), so think long and hard, and choose wisely!
4. Choose your password and click Join.
5. You are now registered on Fiverr! Please check your registered email address as you will receive an email to activate your account.
Note: The activation link in the email is only valid for 30 days.
6. Within the activation email you receive from Fiverr, click Activate Your Account.
Once you've successfully created your account, based on the instructions above, you will be able to activate your seller account.
To activate your seller account:
1. Click on your profile picture and select Become a Seller from the dropdown menu.
2. On the page you are redirected to, click on Become a Seller again in order to start the onboarding process. This includes watching three videos on How to use Fiverr as a seller. You should now see this on your screen:
4. Once you're done watching the videos, you will be directed to Fiverr's tips on What makes a successful Fiverr profile and what to steer clear of as a seller. Then click Continue.
5. Complete the mandatory fields (as marked with an asterisk). Be sure to complete your onboarding using only truthful and accurate information regarding your training, working experience, and skills.
Remember: The more accurate and detailed the information you add is, the better your seller profile will be.
6. Next, you can choose to link your account to other social media channels:
Note: Taking the time to verify and link your accounts can upgrade your credibility and help us provide you with more business. Don’t worry, your information is and always will remain private.
5. At the end of the onboarding process, you are required to phone verify your account:
6. The final step is to Create Your First Gig to offer your services, as a seller on Fiverr! See tips and tricks to include when Creating a Gig.
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