Chinese Chicken Curry Pasta Recipe | Homemade Pasta

Chinese Chicken Curry Pasta is very delicious dish in this world. Pasta is very easy and prepare in short time. Pasta is very famous in whole world and most popular. Everyone like pasta especially old people and children. Pasta is a Chinese dish. Now pasta is very popular in all over the world. Here are some pastas recipes like vegetable pasta. Chicken pasta Italian pasta. Chinese pasta. Chinese Chicken Curry Pasta Recipe


Chinese Chicken Curry Pasta


Chinese Chicken Curry Pasta Recipe | Homemade Pasta


What Is Pasta?

Pasta is a type of noodle that’s usually made from durum wheat, water or eggs. It is made into different noodle forms and then baked in boiling water.

Currently, most goods sold as pasta are complete from corporate wheat. However, related noodles can be complete from other jots, such as rice, barley or buckwheat.

Some kinds of pasta are cultured during treating, undressing the wheat grain of the fiber and origin, eliminating many of the nutrients.

Occasionally cultured pasta is augmented, meaning it has some nutrients, such as B vitamins and iron, added back in.


Chinese Chicken Curry

Prep: 15 mins

Cook: 40 mins

Cook our easy, healthy chicken curry in just 15 minutes. Serve this replica of your favorite takeaway dish with fluffy rice for a wholesome family meal


·       4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into chunks (or use thighs or drumsticks)

·       2 tsp corn flour

·       1 onion, diced

·       2 tbsp rapeseed oil

·       1 garlic clove, crushed

·       2 tsp curry powder

·       1 tsp turmeric

·       ½ tsp ground ginger

·       pinch sugar

·       400ml chicken stock

·       1 tsp soy sauce

·       handful frozen peas

·       rice to serve



Toss the chicken pieces in the corn flour and season well. Fixed them away.


Cook the onion in half of the oil in a wok on a low to average heat, till it softens – about 5-6 minutes – then add the garlic and cook for a minute. Stir in the spices and sugar and cook for additional minute, then add the standard and soy sauce, bring to a rumble and cook for 20 minutes. Tip all into a mixer and blitz till smooth.


Rub out the pan and cook the chicken in the outstanding oil until it is browned all over. Tip the sauce back into the pan and bring all to a cook, stir in the peas and cook for 5 minutes. Enhance a slight water if you need to thin the paste. Help with rice.


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