How to Make Fajita Style Pasta at Home | Fajita Style Pasta Recipe

Fajita Style Pasta is very delicious dish in this world. Pasta is very easy and prepare in short time. Pasta is very famous in whole world and most popular. Everyone like pasta especially old people and children. Pasta is a Chinese dish. Now pasta is very popular in all over the world. Here are some pastas recipes like vegetable pasta. Chicken pasta Italian pasta. Chinese pasta. Fajita Style Pasta Recipe

 How to Make Fajita Style Pasta at Home | Fajita Style Pasta Recipe


What Is Pasta?

Pasta is a type of noodle that’s usually made from durum wheat, water or eggs. It is made into different noodle forms and then baked in boiling water.

Currently, most goods sold as pasta are complete from corporate wheat. However, related noodles can be complete from other jots, such as rice, barley or buckwheat.

Some kinds of pasta are cultured during treating, undressing the wheat grain of the fiber and origin, eliminating many of the nutrients.

Occasionally cultured pasta is augmented, meaning it has some nutrients, such as B vitamins and iron, added back in.

Fajita Style Pasta


Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 25 mins

Take the fragrant tastes of a classic Mexican fajita and combine with pasta for this easy, alive meal. It's an ideal Friday night dinner


·       2 tbsp olive oil

·       2 large skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips

·       1 onion, thinly sliced

·       1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced

·       1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced

·       1 garlic clove, crushed

·       1⁄4 tsp chili powder

·       1 heaped tsp sweet smoked paprika

·       1⁄2 tsp dried oregano

·       1 tsp ground coriander

·       1⁄2 tsp ground cumin

·       3 tbsp tomato purée

·       80ml double cream

·       350g penne or rigatoni pasta

·       1⁄2 small bunch of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

·       grated parmesan or cheddar, to serve



Heat the oil in a huge shallow stew or frying pan. Add the chicken and fry for 5 mins over a average heat till golden all over. Eliminate and regular away on a plate.


Set the onion and peppers in the similar pot and fry over an average heat for 8-10 mins. Add the garlic, dry sages and spices and cook for 1 min. add the tomato purée and cook for 2 mins. Arrival the chicken to the pan and pour in the cream, inspiring to combine. Term to taste.


Cook the pasta following pack guidelines, then gutter and standby 150ml of the cooking water. Add the pasta to the pan with 50ml of the water and stir all composed over the heat. Add a little extra water to undo if wanted. Term to taste and mixing done the basil. Division among six bowls and top with a little cheese and additional chopped parsley, if you like. This can be filled into a lunchbox and eaten cold, too.

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